The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney

30 September 2005

Stepping Up The Attacks


Suggests Attacking GOP Blogger Mark Noonan

Proving Air America Radio's Randi Rhodes doesn't have an extremism monopoly, the otherwise deadly dull fellow host Mike Malloy has called for violence against a conservative blogger.

On Thursday's show, Malloy recommended Mark Noonan be physically assaulted over "Do Democrats Want a Civil War", a piece he wrote for the BlogsForBush website.

BlogsForBush has the audio here.

Hearing Malloy for the first time, some conservatives today are expressing surprise that liberal talk radio, aside from these occasional, bizarre outbursts, could possibly be so dry and boring.

Used to entertaining and informative programming from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and others, right-leaning talk listeners no doubt would find Air America's NPR-style delivery terribly dull.

Try sitting through a whole hour of Jerry Springer's Air America radio program some time, if you truly need a dose of snooze radio. It has even less energy than Malloy's program.

Again, don't expect the mainstream media and liberal blog sites to honestly address this kind of rhetoric. They're too busy pounding away at conservative host Bill Bennett (more on this today) to deal with their own side's loose cannons.


  • Of Brian's last seven blog posts, six have exclusively focused on Air America. I thought this was supposed to discuss the talk radio industry, as a whole.

    For the life of me, I can't understand why AA gets conservatives like Brian so worked up. It's a small fish in a huge talk radio pond, but conservatives seem to feel even its very existence is offensive. Apparently there is no room for a diversity of programming...

    By Blogger Justin, at 30 September, 2005 16:18  

  • Justin you are sooo correct! Its amusing.

    By Blogger Iraq War Veteran, at 30 September, 2005 17:15  

  • A bit tedious, yes, but thouroughly enjoyable

    Hi Brian:
    I see you're too embarassed to respond to the fact that I am publicly mocking your pathetic credentials, as such, I am reprinting my post from the previous thread in the unlikely event anyone reads this post.

    Incidentally, I regret someone beat me to the punch in commenting on your complaint that the author of the Time piece you boast about so proudly in your bio was actually a left wing hatchett man.

    Sweet lord, you are both the most desperate and entertaining thing i've seen in a long time.

    I understand why you are so proud of this Time article that you're mentioned in.

    It's entitled:

    Austin Nevada: Conspiracy USA, in the middle of nowhere where the highway is empty it all fits together.

    "The drive-time talk jock (out here it's always drive time) is the inflammatory Brian Maloney, who makes Rush Limbaugh sound like Alan Alda. Maloney tends to open his monologues with the question that prefaces most conspiracy rants: "Don't you find it interesting that...?" For Maloney, who preaches that President Clinton is an "agent of influence" for the Chinese, there seems to be no such thing as a meaningless coincidence or a truthful politician. When a caller nominates Charlton Heston for Speaker of the House, it is not a joke."

    It really does all fit together doesn't it. You loon. /laughter

    p.s. you should also listen to morning sedition on AAR- you won't believe what they're saying these days

    By Blogger SEDER, at 30 September, 2005 17:56  

  • The stress of imminent financial collapse must be getting to them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 30 September, 2005 19:08  

  • Brian, your posting on liberal incitements to violence sure seems to have brought out the liberal trolls. Lord, what a vile bunch of swine.

    Curiously, they don't sound all that different from the "peace and love" creeps that I knew back in the sixties.

    By Blogger pst314, at 30 September, 2005 21:38  

  • p.s. you should also listen to morning sedition on AAR- you won't believe what they're saying these days

    Got to check it out. Plus Maron's been quite the man about town recently. What with appearances on Conan and now this regular Good Morning America deal. And every time the Marx do a morning remote, they seem to pick up a bigger crowd.

    This Malloy deal is much about nothing. One can't help but get wound up after reading that tour-de-force that Hunter posted at DailyKos.

    By Blogger @whut, at 01 October, 2005 00:31  

  • This is a good example of how violence begets violence. Mark Noonan threatens Civil War and Malloy threatens his person. Both are persons on the fringe.

    By Blogger Human, at 01 October, 2005 13:28  

  • libs.... schmibs
    cons.... schmons

    how boring to reduce everything to us/them... good/bad... and how simplistic... truly only simple minds can take these rants seriously.

    Limbaugh and Malloy... both are blithering bags of hot air and non intellectualism. Both are irritants and clowns and play to the lowest common denominators. People who need to identify with a team need a RUSH to validate their existence. How stupid!

    But this Brian Maloney actually thinks that being compared to Rush Limbo is a compliment and something to brag about...???

    pathetic. truly pathetic.

    somewhere there is a rich debate about principles and human values.

    not on malloy and not on RUSH the TUSH. let them both descend back into the bowels of the earth from whence they came.

    By Blogger R Paul, at 01 October, 2005 20:13  

  • I wouldn't call Mike Malloy low-key or boring. I'd call him nuts, kinda like a street person who you know is just winding himself up to start screaming.

    justin: Personally I don't get wound up about AAR, but I do get wound up about the MSM coverage (or lack thereof) it receives.

    If you really wanted to hurt AAR, you might want to try using "liberal" rules about hate speech, advocating violence, etc. against them. Malloy may have violated some FCC rule or perhaps even a real law.

    By Blogger LonewackoDotCom, at 03 October, 2005 00:11  

  • That speaks to my assertion that most liberals, especially you, are unemployable and have way too much free time on their hands.

    Well, there's that, and the fact that left-wingers have organizations like Move-On, Code Pink, and ANSWER for whom protesting is their full-time "job." And, you look at the pictures from the protest and see a lot old, retired hippies and trustafarian college kids. Meanwhile, most conservatives have to earn a living in the real world.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 03 October, 2005 07:46  

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